Tuesday, February 10, 2015

English-Education Autobiography

 I experienced four phases of English learning: elementary, junior-high, senior-high and college years. Some characteristics which differ these four phases will be discussed accordingly in the following paragraphs. However, the last paragraph will constitute the reflection of educational philosophy on one of these four phases of my English learning experience.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

kanker kelenjar getah bening keparat

Merayap dan menjalar
membesar Dan mengerikan
hidup tak kunjung habis
mati tidak
hiduppun tidak

wajah tertidur tapi tak pulas
terbaring tapi tak beristirahat
begitu lelah

mama, kami sudah mencoba
tapi sakitmu begitu keras
Keladi tikus
transfer factor pills
jaket listrik dr Warsito

sudah ma.. sudah dijalankan
kami masih menunggu
hingga denyut penghabisanmu
atau hingga kebebasanmu
lepas dari sakit
sembuh atau binasa
kurasa akan membawa kebebasan yang sama