Thursday, October 12, 2017


“Perceptions and Practices of Effective Teaching of English Teachers
with Different CPD Involvement Levels”


I.G.A. Lokita Purnamika Utami
NIM : xxxxxxx





   Nama                  : I.G.A. Lokita Purnamika Utami
                                     NIM                   :xxxx
                                     Program              : Doktor (S3
                                     Program studi    : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
                                     Semester             : 6
                                     Angkatan tahun : 2014
                                     PT ASAL           : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
                                    PT Luar negri (tempat PKPI berlangsung): Griffith University
                                    Negara                : Australia

PROMOTOR I                                                                                   ADVISOR


Latar Belakang Kegiatan

Program PKPI adalah program yang merupakan "mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan" bagi sebagian besar mahasiswa S3 yang sedang belajar di Universitas Indonesia. Program ini memungkinkan mahasiswa calon doktor untuk memiliki pengalaman magang di luar negeri dan bekerja dengan para ahli atau dosen mentor dari universitas internasional.
Saya mulai studi doktoral saya di salah satu Universitas Indonesia yaitu di Universitas Negeri Malang, pada tahun 2014. Banyak hal yang telah dipelajari, seperti masalah-masalah berkaitan dengan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dalam konteks nasional dan internasional dan juga terutama masalah cara menulis artikel untuk tujuan publikasi. Untungnya, profesor pengajar mata kuliah “writing article for Publication” juga merupakan promotor pertama saya. Beliau sangat positif tentang rencana saya untuk mendaftar beasiswa Program PKPI ini. Kami telah berdiskusi tentang rencana kegiatan yang bisa saya lakukan di luar negeri jika saya lulus proses seleksi.
Sebagaimana diketahui, target pemerintah untuk program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa kandidat doktor dalam mempublikasikan tulisan mereka di jurnal internasional yang bereputasi. Promotor pertama  dan saya, kami berdua telah sepakat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis saya sebagai tujuan utama saya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, maka saya mengusulkan kegiatan saya selama diluar negri adalah mengembangkan kemampuan menulis saya dan bekerja sama dengan mentor /pembimbing luar dalam proses penulisan sebuah artikel ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan desertasi saya.
Adapun desertasi yang dikaji mengambil topik “Perceptions and Practices of Effective Teaching of English Teachers’ with Different CPD Involvement Levels”.Sejumlah data sudah dikumpulkan sejak Mei 2016 dengan menginterview beberapa guru guru Bahasa Inggris yang menjadi subjek penelitian ini. Sehingga data ini siap diolah sebagai bahan penulisan artikel ilmiah yang akan dikerjakan dengan pembimbing luar.
Kendala yang dialami oleh kebanyakan mahasiswa S3 yang studi di Indonesian untuk bias melakukan publikasi ilmiah di skala internasional adalah kendala Bahasa. Bahasa Inggris adalah Bahasa asing yang tidak dengan serta merta mampu dikuasai, Bahkan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sendiri, tidak mampu menjamin bisa melakukan publikasi ilmiah secara Internasional tanpa bimbingan dari pembimbing penutur asli (native speaker)
            Program PKPI sendiri sesungguhnya merupakan sebuah jawaban yang diberikan oleh Dirjen Sumber Daya Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, KEMENRISTEK DIKTI. Untuk itu saya mengusulkan usulan kerja program PKPI ini
B. Tujuan Kegiatan
Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah:
1.      Meningkatkan kemampuan menulis ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris
2.      Memanfaatkan perpustakaan Universitas luar yang dituju untuk menambah dan  menyempurnakan kajian ilmiah yang telah dilakukan di Indonesia
3.      Menghasilkan sebuah artikel ilmiah dengan bimbingan advisor dari universitas luar Negri sehingga layak dipublikasikan di jurnal internasional bereputasi
4.      Meningkatkan pengalaman akademis
C. Manfaat kegiatan ini adalah:
Melalui kegiatan ini maka pengusul akan mampu :
1.       Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri untuk menulis ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris
2.      Memperlancar studi doktoral yang sedang dilakukan
3.      Menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang dipubliksaikan secara internasional sebagai sebuah prasyarat mendapatkan gelar doktor.
4.      Meningkatkan pengalaman akademis
D. Rencana Kegiatan
Berikut adalah rencana yang waktunya masih bersifat tentatif. Akan tetapi rangkuman kegiatan yang di rencanakan dapat dilihat pada kolom kegiatan
Bulan, tahun
Agustus 2017
Berangkat dari Indonesia
Tiba di Australia
Bertemu dengan advisor secara teratur untuk melakukan bimbingan penulisan artikel
Melakukan Library research
Menghadiri seminar atau mata kuliah yang berkenaan dengan topik desertasi, topik-topik pendidikan, penelitian kualitatif atau tentang topik penulisan untuk publikasi internasional.
Mengumpulkan draf manuscript ke pembimbing
Melakukan revisi manuscript

Melakukan library research lanjut jika diperlukan
Menulis manuskrip sampai bentuk final
Membuat laporan PKPI sekaligus hasil manuskrip artikel selama program.
Kembali ke Indonesia
E. Deskripsi tentang artikel yang akan dikembangkan.
       Artikel yang akan dikembangkan merupakan hasil penelitian desertasi. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi guru guru Bahasa inggris dengan level keterlibatan Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) yang berbeda. Kemuadian, guru-guru bahasa Inggris ini diteliti dalam hal persepsi mereka tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang efektif dan praktik mengajar yang mereka lakukan dikelas. Peneliti ingin mengemukakan hubungan antara keterlibatan dan pengembangan keprofesian dengan persepsi dan praktek mengajar mereka. Hal ini dilandasi karena penelitian sebelumnya menemukan gap antara apa yang Guru yakini dengan apa yang mereka lakukan. Idealnya, seorang guru dengan pengalaman pengembangan keprofesian yang tinggi akan memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih baik tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang efektif yang idealnya berimbas pada praktik mengajar mereka yang merefleksikan pengetahuan mereka. Tetapi apakah benar demikian? Karena penelitian penelitian sebelumnya tentang dampak Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan, yang dipercaya begitu penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru, ternyata diragukan dampaknya, terutama terhadap praktik mengajar Guru dikelas. Sehingga, penelitian yang mampu mengemukakan hubungan antara keterlibatan dalam PKB, persepsi guru tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang efektif dan bagaimana mereka mempraktikkkannya dikelas perlu dilakukan. 
Berikut adalah paparan ringkas tentang latar belakang masalah, rumusan masalah dan urgensi penelitian atau manfaat penelitian yang telah ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.
1.      The background of Study
Scholars around the world believe that one of the supporting factors of education improvement is by improving teachers’ performance quality. Improving teachers’ quality is seen as crucial matter since teachers are seen to have value-added impact on students’ learning and achievement (Coleman, et al., 1966; Sanders and Horn, 1994; Darling-Hammond, 1997; Mendro, 1998; Nye, Konstantopoulos, and Hedges, 2004;Cunningham, 2007; Palardy and Rumberger, 2008), determine, to a great extent, a school’s quality (Marzano, 2003) and play a crucial role in realizing the quality of the learning environment as well (Hattie, 2009).
Studies on how to improve teachers’ quality have been done continuously. One common recommendation is to involve teachers in Continuous Professional Development (henceforth: CPD) activities. Many studies reveal the positive impact of CPD on teachers’ quality, i.e. teachers’ knowledge and teaching practices quality (Baker and Smith, 1999; Putnam and Borko, 2000; Desimon, et al., 2002; Guskey, 2003; Gibbs and Coffey, 2004; and Cunningham, 2007).
However, despite the belief that participating in CPD is important, literatures found some dillemas around professional development practices. First, there are insufficient effective professional development programs (Nelson-Barber 1999; Grant and Wong 2003: Abedi 2004, Khong and Saito, 2014). The second dillema is the fact that many teachers have some excuses for not actively involved in professional development activities such as workload, time limitation, financial support, family responsibilities, employment status, and so on as reported by several studies (Hustler, et al., 2003; Curtis, 2008; Cahyono, 2008; Yuwono and Harbon, 2010, Nabhani and Bahous, 2010; Muzaffar and Malik, 2012; Roux and Valladares, 2014; Cahyono, 2013; Katuuk and Marentek, 2014). And the last dilemma is the ineffective implementation of professional development (Evans, Tate, Navaro and Nicolls, 2009; Wilson, Rozell and Mikeska, 2011; Nurkolis and Yuliejantiningsih, 2015) or the irrelevant program with the need in the fiels (Cahyono, 2008; Hayes, 2008)
In relation to these dillemas, scholars have been trying to investigate the effectiveness of professional development program and the impact it causes. As a contrary to CPD good impacts reports (Baker and Smith, 1999; Putnam and Borko, 2000; Desimon, et al., 2002; Guskey, 2003; Gibbs and Coffey, 2004; Cunningham, 2007; Neuman and Cunningham, 2008), there are also reports which reflect some doubt on professional development impact due to the problem of the implementation of these professional development (Hayes, 2008; Cahyono, 2008; Evans, Tate, Navaro and Nicolls ; 2009; Wilson, Rozell and Mikeska, 2011; Nurkolis and Yuliejantiningsih, 2015; Yuwono and Harbon, 2010; Sumardi, 2012).
Sumardi’s (2012) study deals with revitalizing MGMP in Indonesia (Association of teachers of subject matter) as one medium of improving teachers’ quality practices. Despite the improvement in teachers’ theoretical foundation knowledge about ELT teaching which may in turn contribute to their perception, lack of motivation to implement this knowledge to their practices causes unchange in practices or teachers’ teaching practices remain the same as before. Even though teachers’ perception about effective ELT teaching is changed with the newly gained knowledge, but the implementation of this knowledge into practices is not a direct impact of professional development activities (Sumardi, 2012). Thus, to see the whole impact of professional development, it needs to be measured not only in perception level but also in practical level.
Unfortunately, research on the impact of professional development are dominated by studies analyzing a self-reported data (Cahyono, 2008; Curtis, 2008; Yuwono and Harbon, 2010; Nabhani and Bahous, 2010; Cahyono, 2013; Katuuk and Marentek, 2014; Oder, 2014), which commonly in the form of general statement of their attitude toward professional development, without observing how teachers demonstrate their knowledge in their teaching practices.
The weakness of utilizing self individual report is the tendency to reveal the participants’ feeling about the program and not the real outcome of the program. Guskey (2003) believes that evaluative practice which does not go deeply enough and being limited to ‘happiness questionnaire’ after the event as one weakness of evaluative practices. Thus, the impact of teachers’ professional development which is evaluated by self-reported method may left some unrevealed issue such as whether teachers’ professional competence is really improved in practices or whether they really implement what they learn in their teaching practices.
In this study, the relation between English teachers’ CPD involvement levels, their perception of effective English teaching and their teaching practices is being explored. This is to see whether CPD involvement play significant role in shaping teachers’ perception regarding what effective English teaching is and how they practice it in their classrooms.
Ideally, the more active teachers attending professional development, the better knowledge and practices they have related to pedagogical and content knowledge. However, studies also find that English teachers may not always practice what they belief as good teaching.
Karavas-Doukas (1996), for instance, investigate about English teachers’ belief and practices about communicative English teaching. Result shows significant discrepancy between teachers’ belief, which agreed with communicative teaching principles, and their actual practices which deviated these principles: both communicative and non-communicative teaching practices were implemented with dominant form-focused instruction. Similarly, Beyene (2008) found English teachers involved in the study did not create actual opportunities for their students to learn English communicatively. This classroom practices were found not consistent with what they believe, i.e. learners of English should be given more opportunities to speak English.
Contesting what makes effective teaching is not a new idea. However, the result of many studies are very varied. Some studies tried to investigate the difference of teachers’ and students’ perception regarding effective teaching practice or regarding the characteristics of effective teacher. Park and Lee (2006) and Brown (2006) investigate the characteristics of effective teacher and effective teaching. These two studies found the discrepancies between what students perceive and what teachers believe. In Park and Lee’s (2006) study, regarding effective teachers components rank, the teachers ranking English proficiency the highest, while the students ranking pedagogical knowledge the highest. In Brown’s (2006) studies, regarding effective English teaching, the students favoring a more traditional, grammar-based approach and teachers favoring a communicative FL classroom.
Perceptional studies on effective teaching need to be conducted more thoroughly. For instance, by relating the way teachers perceive effective teaching as a result of their continuous professional development involvement, and the way they practice these knowledge into their teaching. It is very important to explore whether different professional development involvement have different impact toward teachers’ perception of effective teaching and their practices. This is so important because studies have not satisfactorily revealed the impact of CPD, especially toward teachers’ perception about effective teaching and teachers’ practicing effective teaching.
Although there are studies confirm the positive influences that CPD bring to teachers’ teaching practice (Orr, Duncum and Wallin, 1998; Haigh, 2005; Kennedy, 2005; Puttinseva, 2008; Curtis, 2008;  Luke andMcArdle 2009; Ball, 2009; Domitrovich, et al., 2009; Horns and Little, 2010; Cheng and Winnie, 2012; Kramer, Masters, O'Dwyer, Dash and Russell, 2012; Green, Wolodko, Stewart, Edwards, Brooks, and Littledyke, 2013; Cahyono, 2013; Herbert and Rainford, 2014; Bleach, 2014; Cahyono, 2014), but instead of contributing to the impact of the overall CPD types, these studies only investigate isolated or specific types of CPD. Furthermore, research to date investigate the impact of CPD on perception and practices separately. Thus, questions on whether CPD can bring impact to the reflection of teachers’ perception into practices remain unanswered.
As a preliminary study, the researcher has interviewed 2 English teachers of junior high schools in Bali about their in-service education required for obtaining professional teacher certificate known as PLPG. The preliminary study is targetted to see their perceptions about PLPG experiences in supporting their professional development and how this experience influence their practices. During intensive 10 days training, both teachers admitted that they have a very good experience and attained many new knowledge especially about innovative teaching strategy, especially the ones with involving students to be more active in using English. They believe that teacher training education like PLPG  is very important. However, the result of direct teaching observation revealed that these teachers’ practices did not seem to reflect the strategy they learned from the program. They implement “the usual” strategy, in which teachers generously translate words into Indonesian, and predominantly speak in Bahasa Indonesia in explaining particular concept, and use student worksheet and text book as the main resources. They confirmed that they maintain the conventional strategy because it is time effective since it helps the students understand the lessons faster. They admitted that the strategies they learn from PLPG are good but are not suitable for their context because of the low input (low ability students), time constraint, and lack of resources and facilities.
The above preliminary study may suggest that despite the professional development opportunities such as PLPG, some English teachers have the tendency to keep unchanged. However, this preliminary study is not sufficient to claim that professional development has more influence to teachers’ perceptions but little influence to teachers’ practices. A more thorough and careful study on the matter should be conducted.
2.      Research Questions
            The study is trying to reveal the answers of the following questions:
1.      What CPD involvements are experienced by the English teachers?
2.      What are the English teachers’ perceptions of effective English teaching performance?
3.      How do English teachers perform their teaching practices?
4.      How CPD involvement levels are related to English teachers’ perceptions and practices of effective English teaching?
3.      The significant of the study
          Research on continuous professional development around the world have revealed the impact of CPD involvement and the improvement of teachers’ quality, either in knowledge or practices. However, these studies are concentrated on separate goals of looking at the impact on perceptions or practices. This means some research only focus on looking at the impact of CPD toward their belief, perceptions or thought, and others focus only toward their practices. Furthermore, these studies commonly investigate the impact of isolated types of CPD activities such as collaborative research, mentoring, office talk, collaborative teaching, etc. Thus, the overall picture on whether CPD can bring impact toward teachers’ perceptions and practices has hardly been discussed. To answer this, the current study is proposed. It will not only contribute to the body of knowledge of continuous professional development but also the knowledge of  effective English language teaching. It will reveal teachers’ perceptions of effective English teaching, teachers’ English teaching practice and the impact of CPD by investigating the relationship between English teachers’ different CPD involvement levels, their perceptions on effective English teaching and their teaching practices.
         Furthermore, later it is expected to be able to generate a theory on the relationship among these three variables, teachers’ CPD involvement levels, teachers’ perceptions on effective English teaching and teachers’ teaching practice. In other words, the study will be able to explain what kinds of teachers, in relation to their CPD involvement level, reflect what they perceive as effective teaching performance in their practices, and how they reflect them.

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