Tuesday, June 30, 2020




A short story by Putu Arya Wira Suputra
Written in 2020 as a final project of Prose Fiction Course
English Language Education Department,
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The table is full of fancy feast while the members of Rainbow Seven celebrating their victory against the brutality of Kelomelompik. They successfully conquer a new territory from their arch rival thanks to their astonishing leadership by Rainbow Seven leader Martin Bluford also known as his professional name Blue. He then starts to give a speech to his fellow comrade.


A short story by Putu Ega Meliani
Written in 2020 as a final project of Prose Fiction Course
English Language Education Department,
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


            She is still leaning on the backyard bench as usual, as she did every day. She is wearing a knit shirt and a scarf that was neatly attached to her neck. She is not strong enough to withstand the cold air of this season, nor could she withstand the coldness of the world to herself. Page after page of the book she read, my grandma liked those romance fiction stories collected by my brother in his reading room. Reading one by one book on the shelf of my brother's reading room is like her favorite habit since her memory began to be disrupted. Her nearsighted eyes do not let her read for too long, just around 30 minutes to treat longing and making comfort her days. At precisely 5:30 p.m., after her body is scented with the scent of essential oil which she rubbed on her wrists, she would go behind with her book, she almost did it for seventeen months. She doesn't do it alone, Mersey; the golden cat will always stay by her. I know she gives the cat a necklace with the initial M on it, just like my grandfather's name. But, I should not mention his name in front of my grandma. It is like something taboo to talk about people who have died here. Even though we have not been completely sincere, there are still wounds that have not been treated for his leave.


A short story by Made Dian Andita Mastari
Written in 2020 as a final project of Prose Fiction Course
English Language Education Department,
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

                Isabella Dockar lived in Paris for about 22 years. She made the decisions to live abroad and far away from her hometown right after her dad’s death because she wanted to make some money overseas. Bella was a hard worker and unyielding woman, every day she worked really hard to feed her family and to give her family in her hometown the best living accommodations. Her neighbors wondered about her decision to not find a good man to be married and build a house hold because everyone knew that she was already 52 years old. One sunny day, Bella was visited by Chloe, her niece that came far away from New York. Chloe planned to live in Bella’s house for several days because she wanted to enjoy the beauty of Paris and surroundings. Chloe knew that she would like to spend several days in her aunt’s house , so she was going to help Bella to do some stuffs in the like helping Bella to go to the grocery store and buy some groceries. In the first day living in Bella’s house, Chloe nicely took Bella and helped Bella o prepared all the delicious traditional meals at that day, but Chloe did not realized the reason behind the big meals prepared by Bella, a 52 years old woman who lived alone in Paris. On the second day, Chloe took Bella to go to her working place. Chloe was directly introduced to El, Mr. Steward’s son right away after she arrived in her working place. There was nothing wrong with that introduction because Chloe thought that was a common thing happened if Bella directly introduced her to El, because they were met in the same office.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Apem tepung beras tanpa tape hanya dengan soda kue

Suka dengan Apem? Biasanya kalau buat apem harus pake tape dan nunggu adonan kembang dulu. Kadang jadi ga sabar, udah pingin ngopi eh apemnya belum jadi. Yuk intip resep apem tanpa tape berikut!

  • tepung beras 200 gr
  • tepung terigu 3 sdm (boleh di skip)
  • telur 1 buah
  • gula pasir 100 gr
  • gula bali 50 gram (boleh di skip)
  • soda kue
  • air cuka 2 sdt (dicampurkan ke dalam 1/2 gelas air). kalau ga punya cuka, ganti dengan air perasan lemon  atau susu cair karena keduanya bisa mengaktifkan baking soda)
  • baking powder (boleh skip)
  • keju lembaran satu lembar (boleh di skip)
  • garam 1 sdt
  • margarin 2 sdm
  • vanili 1/4 sdt
  • air 1/2 gelas

Monday, May 11, 2020

Bolu pisang hanya dengan soda kue

Libur libur pingin ngemil aja ya. Kali ini mau share resep buat bolu pisang sederhana yang tidak pakai baking powder, emulsi alias SP/ovalet dan margarin.

Yuk disimak!

- 7 Buah pisang
- 15 Sdm tepung terigu
- 12 Sdm minyak kelapa
- 6-8 Sdm gula pasir
- 2 Butir telur
- 2 Sdm susu kental manis
- 2 Sdm santan kemasan
- 1 Sdt soda kue
- 1 Sdt garam
- 1/2 Sdt vanilli bubuk

Bolu pisang pandan kukus

1. Tepung terigu 8 sdm
2. Pisang 3 buah
3. Gula pasir 6 sdm
4. Margarin 3 sdm
5. susu cair 1/2 gelas belimbing
6. telur 1 buah
7. soda kue
8. baking powder
9. 1 sdm minuman beralkohol (optional, saya kebetulan punya)

Tips: siapkan loyang aluminium (bukan loyang plastik) yang sudah dilumuri margarin. Panaskan panci sebelum mengukus.

Cara Buat:
Lumatkan pisang dengan garpu, campurkan susu cair, aduk hingga rata lalu sisihkan

Di wadah yang lain campurkan gula pasir dan telur, kocok dengan garpu
masukkan tepung terigu, baking powder, soda kue kedalam adonan telur tadi, aduk hingga rata

Kemudian masukkan adonan pisang ke adonan tepung dan telur tadi, aduk hingga rata
Terakhir masukkan margarin. Masukkan 1 sdm minuman beralkohol. Bagi adonan jadi 2, yg sebagian kecil isi warna dg mencampurkan pasta pandan yang sebagian besar biarkan warna krem. 

Masukkan adonan hijau/pandan dulu lalu diikuti adonan krem ke dalam loyang. Kukus selama 30 menit.
Selamat mencoba!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Resep tahu isi

Halo semua.. sudah lama sekali tidak menulis resep. Berikut adalah resep tahu isi.

Tahu 12 potong
baking powder 1 sdk teh
tepung terigu 3 sdk makan
tepung beras 5 sendok makan
Sayuran opsi 1: toge + wortel
                opsi 2 : kol,wortel, seledri, daun                      bawang
bumbu halus:
bawang putih, garam, merica, masako, haluskan.